A Primer to Learning Organisations
The shifting business and regulatory landscape accentuate the need for organisations to be adaptive and agile. Creating a learning organisation that can survive and strive in such a dynamic landscape is challenging and requires new skills and capabilities. Based on Peter Senge’s seminal work on ‘The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation’, such organisations have three core capabilities. Namely, aspiration, working collaboratively and dealing with complexity.
Together, these capabilities give organisations the capacity for producing results they deeply want by unlocking individual and collective commitment, nurturing new and expanded ways of thinking and learning how act systemically. To build these capabilities, Senge suggested that organisations practice 5 ‘component technologies’ or learning disciplines. Namely, personal mastery, shared vision, mental models, team learning and systems thinking.
This primer will allow participants to experience the five learning disciplines and take away guiding ideas, practices and tools from each of them. The training content will contain essential theories, methods and tools for building a learning organisation. A combination of learning methodologies will be used. These include, short presentations, videos, interactive learning activities, experiential learning, individual reflection and group dialogue.

- Understand the learning capabilities that make a learning orgnanisation.
- Use Hierarchy of Choices to create greater internal alignment of purpose, values and vision.
- Create a compelling personal vision and use it for self-direction and motivation.
- Apply tools to explore and reframe underlying beliefs and assumptions.
- Conduct generative conversations that promote team learning.
- Shift from event to systems level thinking and identify interventions that give higher leverage.